Tuesday, September 24, 2013

On a side note

"Horizons" | Photographer: Ben Kelevra, Holocaust Monument, Berlin, Germany, 2011

It has been almost a year that I visited Berlin for the first time in my life in the end of October, 2012 (Gosh, time flies) and it made a huge impact on me. The vicinity of past decades can only compare to Rome - only in Rome we are witnessing ancient history that has faded into greatness in human memory whilst in Berlin terrible events of recent history come into life on every corner. It feels like the present Berlin is still apologizing for the inhumanity that destroyed the city, the country and the continent. 

Even though today's Berlin is a cheerful place (why shouldn't it be? It is no more responsible for all past terrors) we must respect its own way of grief. That is why I am SHOCKED when I see fashion bloggers or Instagrammers posing on pictures between the tombs of the Holocaust memorial. Even though it is a breathtaking piece of art it is there for a horrifying reason. The holocaust memorial is not a place for outfit pictures, for hide and seek or for obstacle jumping games. It is a sacred place in memorial of millions of souls that have been the victims of one of the biggest cruelties in human history. Act accordingly when visiting.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Isabel, Y U NO MAD?

first peek at Isabel Marant's line for H & M (yes, please!!) avail. November 14th
When the news broke about the collaboration between Isabel Marant and H&M a few months ago my heart skipped a beat. Just a few days before the news an article of mine have been published about Madam Marant so I was up-to-date about all her current (which meant SS13 back then) and future (FW13-14) collections and I couldn't have been more excited about the news. But then I had a moment of enlightenment while walking through stores literally and metaphorically (on which I mean online window shopping)- haven't we all been wearing unofficial Marant from H&M for a number of seasons now? 

This past summer we could see many pieces on the shelves of the Swedish high street brand that has been inspired (if not heavily influenced [if not COPIED]) by the French designer's best selling items. And the same is happening now, a little less than two months before the launch of their collaboration. I couldn't help but question why Isabel Marant is okay with it. Does she now about it? I mean the huge ads all around town are so obvious she cannot possibly NOT know about it. These boots from the H&MxGisele Bündchen campaign are really similar to the Sebay suede ankle boots, just to mention one example. 

Isabel Marant who sued the French high street brand Naf Naf for intellectual property breach does nothing about the same thing happening on an actually much bigger scale. ISABEL WHY YOU NO MAD?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

To Kill A Hummingbird*

Olivia Burton OB13AM06 Animal Motif Mink Hummingbird - gratis verzending - www.21DIAMONDS.nl

Most of my friends are celebrating their birthdays during the fall months and it instantly makes me excited about my own. The only thing is, I have to wait until the end of November to have an excuse for spending a ridiculous amount of money on stuff I don't actually need, just because it's my birthday. Well, well...a girl can dream so here's the first item on my wish list: this beautiful hummingbird watch with white leather straps from Olivia Burton - love at first sight!

Barátnőim nagy része ősszel ünnepli szülinapját, így hát én is mindig idejekorán kezdek el izgulni a sajátom miatt, amire egészen november végéig kell várni. Ez a gyönyörű Olivia Burton kolibris óra fehér bőr szíjakkal már fel is került  a képzeletbeli kívánságlistámra. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


From when the weather was still nice and I was in Hungary. None of these statements are true anymore, but oh well, seasons change. So do cities. (You feel the little SATC reference here, don't you?) I guess I should say something nasty to make my terrific Fashaves t-shirt justified, but that would certainly not be very lady-like of me. 

Sajnos azóta már nincs ilyen jó idő, és nem is vagyok ott, ahol ezek a képek készültek (név szerint Szegeden).

Skirt/Szoknya - ZARA
Sandals/Szandál - Moschino
Bag/Táska - Michael Kors

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Autumn Uniform // Őszi egyenruha

Fall Uniform

I've got the idea from the Keep It Chic blog and I also decided to create my own fall uniform. I chose three items I already own and two items are crave. The faux leather pants are not-surprisingly from H&M but I must say they do fit quite flawless on me. And it's not because I have such a wonderful shape, it's just simply a well-designed piece, best €30 I've ever spent. Then my new Sacha pistol boots with snake skin detailing and the turtle neck sweater from last year - a real wardrobe staple. It was hard to decide between burgundy and mustard for my official fall uniform but I went for mustard because it is the perfect fall-version of yellow which is my favorite summer color. Both the bag and scarf are from Zara and I am really tempted to click them home right at this moment.

Itt van az ősz, itt van újra.... És most nem annyira szép, hiszen már harmadik napja folyamatosan esik az eső odakinn. És nem csak úgy csepereg, ahogy általában szokott, hanem szakad. Mindig próbálom magam azzal nyugtatni, hogy nem eshet örökké, de az igazság az, hogy de igen eshet! :) Na de ha már az ősznél tartunk összeállítottam az "őszi egyenruhám" ami azt jelenti, hogy ezt a szettet tartom az őszre legalkalmasabbnak: műbőr naci a H&M-ből, egy tavalyi fekete garbó, az új Sacha csizmám és két darab, ami komoly csábítást jelent, a mustársárga táska és sál a Zarából.

If you liked this post please don't forget to like my blog on Facebook and share your own Autumn Outfit there or here in the comment box! Ha tetszett ez a bejegyzés, akkor ne felejtsd el követni a blogom Facebookon és megosztani a saját őszi egyenruhád ott vagy alul a komment dobozban! 

Friday, September 6, 2013


The season's first New York Fashion Week crash has officially happened. I just love everything about spring collection of American designer Robert Rodriguez. It is breathtaking, it is simple yet artistic, it is sophisticated, it is for the young women. I fell deeply in love and I will open a saving account and will call it Roberto Rodriguez SS14. 

A szezon első New York divathét szerelembe esése megtörtént! Imádom Robert Rodriguez amerikai tervező tavaszi-nyári kollekcióját: lélegzetelállító, bájos, de modern, egyszerű, de művészi, a kifinomult is fiatal nőknek készült.

I guess this outfit is not for everyone, or let me rephrase - almost for no one. But I love the feathery details, even though it would make me look like a ostrich. Ez a tollas "borzadály" nem mindenkinek áll jól, vagyis mondjuk inkább úgy, majdnem senkinek sem áll jól, de attól függetlenül hihetetlenül formabontó, még ha én struccnak is néznék ki benne... 

Gotta love the marvel print, skirt length, belt and white panel detail. Csodálatos ruha: tökéletes hossz, gyönyörű márvány minta, derekat hangsúlyozó öv és izgalmas nyakmegoldás. 

Besides black and white the designer also applied some powder blue in his SS14 collection. To be frank I never thought about wearing this color (really, did anyone expect for mothers of new born baby boys?), but Robert Rodriguez made me think twice about it. A fekete és a fehér mellett a tervező a púderkéket is felhasználta jövő tavaszi kollekciójához. Őszintén szólva soha nem gondoltam arra, hogy ezt a színt hordjam, de Robert Rodriguez rávett, hogy legközelebb kétszer is átgondoljam. 

Dress-perfection. This will be the first item I am purchasing from my newly opened saving account. And the shoes - shoe-perfection. A tökéletes ruha a tökéletes cipővel.

The office version of the dress above. A fenti ruha irodai változata.

The boxy top is balanced by the feathering movements of the skirt's metallic fringes. A felső laza merevségét a szoknya lágyan ringó, fémes csillogású rojtjai ellensúlyozzák. (Mennyi paradoxon.)

I do find the midriff trend amazing but I also said I was never going to wear it. However, this much midriff even I would consider. Mindig is úgy gondoltam, hogy az amúgy menő hasvillantós trend nem nekem való, ám ennyi talán még nálam is belefér.

(Not so) Little Black Dress. A (nem is annyira) kis fekete.

White feathers.... do I need to say more? Fehér tollak. Több szóra nincs is szükség.

I love how the hem of the skirt is just a few centimeters longer than the front. I wanna wear it right now with a cable knit sweater (well I don't because it's 30 degrees, but you know what I mean...) Ezt a  hátul csupán pár centivel hosszabb szoknyát most szívesen viselném egy kötött pulcsival, ha nem lenne 30 fok.

Haute Knock Off - Fashion Forward // Koppintsd le!

Haute Knock Off

I'm being very fashion forward right now so watch my step. But how cool is it that you can actually wear next summer's fashion tomorrow?! I know, it's so cool we need a new word for it! Awesome wouldn't quite cut it either. Ehh... Regardless (of my bullsh**), this pretty outfit is from Gwen Stefani's very own brand, L.A.M.B. Camisoles are having an IT moment right now, and if you don't have Gina Tricot in your country you will find a very similar one in Zara. As for the orange clutch - I have a thing for them. 

Camisole/Kombiné - Gina Tricot
Pants/Nadrág  - MANGO
Clutch/Táska - ASOS

Gwen Stefani saját márkája, a L.A.M.B szerdán mutatta be jövő tavaszi-nyári kollekcióját. Az élénk narancssárga szín fontos szerepet játszik több összeállításban is (itt megtekinthetitek az összeset). A kombiné, mint utcai viselet már erősen kezd megjelenni több üzletlánc készletében is, így nem nehéz beszerezni, Magyarországon többek között a Zarában kapható. 

If you liked this post, don't forget to let me know in a comment or on Facebook. Check out all the other Haute Knock Off posts HERE. Ha tetszett a bejegyzés ne felejtsd el tudtomra adni egy kommentben vagy Facebookon. IDE kattintva megnézheted a régebbi Koppintsd le! bejegyzéseseket is. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Day around Buda Castle. Photos were taken in a silent corner of the Fisherman's Bastion that was to my surprise not littered with tourists.
Egy csodaszép nap a budai várban. A képek a Halászbástya egy csendes zugában készültek, ami a vár többi részéhez képes meglepően üres volt. Mire nem képes egy belépőjegy...

Dress/Ruha - VILA
Sandals/Szandál - Moschino
Bubble necklace/Nyaklánc - Primark
Ring with heart/Szívecskés gyűrű - a present from my dear mom/ajándék anyukámtól
Bunch of faux golden rings/többi gyűrű - H&M

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


After a long and well-deserved holiday I'm back with September's first (and only) Tuesday Picks. From now on you can enjoy it in a new format: click on the "View" button on the image below and you will be able to read my mini-mag. I decided to publish Tuesday Picks only every first Tuesday of the month in order to avoid fillers. However, if I find something very interesting I won't wait until next month to tell you about it, on Tuesdays I will post separate, individual finds. Whether you like the new format or not - please do let me know in the comment box! 

Egy hosszú és megérdemelt vakáció után ismét jelentkezem. Egy jó hírem is van: a Ked(d)vtelés rovat új köntöst kapott, és mostantól minden hónap első keddjén olvashatjátok az új, interaktív minimagazint! Nem kell mást tennetek, mint hogy a képen látható "View" gombra kattintotok, és már lapozgathatjátok is. Akár tetszik, akár nem, kérlek áruljátok el egy kommentben!