Saturday, May 18, 2013

Follow my blog on Bloglovin' || Kövess Bloglovin-on!

I find Bloglovin one of the most useful websites for those who enjoy reading a blog or three... or fifty, in my case. I am continuously tapping on my Bloglovin app on my iPhone and it's the most visited page on my computer. Naturally, you can also find my blog on Bloglovin but unfortunately I have no followers yet. :( Can you imagine? It's unbelievable, right? Follow my blog on Bloglovin to keep up-to-date with all new posts!!!

Ismeritek a Bloglovint? Ha te is sok blogot olvasol, akkor valószínűleg hasznosnak találod majd, hiszen rajta keresztül összegyűjtheted az összes kedvenc blogodat, és azonnal értesülsz arról, ha megjelenik egy új poszt. Természetesen az én blogomat is megtalálod a Bloglovin-on, ide kattintva tudsz követni.

You can also find me on different social media, namely:
A következő közösségi oldalakon is elérhető a blogom és egy kis extra tartalom:


or you could follow me on my personal Instagram account! (Username: hajniy)

Please leave me a comment if you are writing a blog, I am more than interested to check it out!
Ha te is blogolsz, akkor kérlek hagyd meg a blogod címét egy kommentben, hiszen nagyon szívesen ismernék meg új arcokat a magyar blogoszférában! 




  1. Hello Hajni! I follow your blog, and others I like on my blogger reading list!

    I haven't said HI in a while, so I wanted to let you know I think your site is looking good and I bet there are lots more readers out there that you don't know are following you right now.

    The images you use are always so great, by the way!

    1. Hi there! Oh, thank you dear, it's so nice of you! :) I am really sorry for not posting lately, but (of course I do have excuses) I had my exams in the last three weeks and I could only concentrate on my articles for this Hungarian online fashion magazine I mention sometimes in Tuesday Picks. I wish you understood Hungarian so you could read them! ;)

      Well, I do hope there are many people out there who read my blog (or will, sometime soon) since from today on I am back on posting! Check out today's Tuesday Picks!

      Thanks again for your comment!

